Tired of all the online retailers selling poor quality lapel badges? We don’t blame you. With over 60 years in business, we have seen a lot of fly-by-night retailers offering everything from sunglasses to novelty items, particularly since the advent of the internet. People that once sold their products out of the trunk of their cars are now setting up websites and luring unsuspecting consumers into a terrible trap. They don’t care about quality; they care about making a sale.

When we create lapel badges, we put our hearts and souls into every step. We know what it means to offer a high quality product and work hard to offer you the very best on the market. It’s not easy but we love what we do. Everything we sell, from lapel badges to custom ties, are made with your satisfaction in mind. Maybe that is what sets us apart from all the other retailers. Well, that and the fact that no one can come close to our customer service. Whether you have a question about one of our products or would like to see what your lapel badges will look like before you place the order, we are here to help.

We have spent years perfecting our lapel badges, tailoring them to suit your needs. And, when we get an order, we follow your specifications to the T because we know that that’s what makes a great business relationship. You know what you want and we know how to get it done.